intensive vs extensive reading

Extensive Reading.
The Effect of Extensive and Intensive Reading on Iranian EFL.
ER Questions - Rob Waring.
This paper looks at extensive reading for first-year unversity English courses.. Extensive students read a lot of text Intensive students practise particular ... (ii) collections (iii) chain complexes (iv) diffuse complexes (v) pseudoconcepts;.
Nov 17, 2005. In my last article, I talked about intensive reading. Hopefully, I've. In short, extensive reading is everything that intensive reading is not. It is not.

Extensive reading involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills. It can be compared with intensive reading, which means.
Intensive is a matter of depth, concentration and focus, possibly but not necessarily within a limited area or field of knowledge. Extensive is matter of.
My take on intensive vs. extensive reading is that it is basically quality vs. quantity . With intensive reading, students really try to totally understand the text and all.
Extensive reading | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC.
What is Extensive Reading? - Toshuō.
References - Language Teaching Research - Sage Publications.
Extensive Reading (ER) is one of many things a learner needs to do when. as much as if she were also doing Intensive Reading and practising the reading.
Finally the study demonstrated that reading both intensively and extensively can lead to vocabulary .. Extensive reading vs. skills building in an EFL context.
Feb 16, 2012. TASK 1: EXTENSIVE VS INTENSIVE READING 1) What are extensive and intensive reading? 2) How do the learners identify whether it is an.
comparison of the principles in intensive and extensive reading.
This paper surveys 28 pieces of research into Extensive Reading in second .. Laufer-Dvorkin, B. "Intensive" versus "Extensive" Reading for Improving.
Mar 25, 2012. intensive vs extensive reading. Reading Process From Understanding To Teaching. View more presentations from Brent Daigle, Ph.D.
vs.• vs. intensive reading vsextensive reading; intensive reading vsextensive reading; intensive reading vs extensive reading>; intensive reading vs extensive.
Xiaolai - SlideShare.
This paper surveys 28 pieces of research into Extensive Reading in second .. Laufer-Dvorkin, B. "Intensive" versus "Extensive" Reading for Improving.
Mar 25, 2012. intensive vs extensive reading. Reading Process From Understanding To Teaching. View more presentations from Brent Daigle, Ph.D.
vs.• vs. intensive reading vsextensive reading; intensive reading vsextensive reading; intensive reading vs extensive reading>; intensive reading vs extensive.
May 21, 1997. In the early part of this century, extensive reading took on a special meaning in the context. Intensive reading is also associated with the teaching of reading in terms of its component skills. .. Reading Materials: Simplified vs.
Oct 1, 2011. His ideas on intensive and extensive reading are really useful to the teacher community. My belief in making reading interesting by using more.
Intensive and Extensive Listening. Extensive listening versus listening strategies: response to Siegel (for subscribers). Extensive and Intensive reading.
Mar 18, 2009. There are two kinds of reading that are learned in English Language Education Study Program. There are intensive reading and extensive.